53-PICU Staff Knowledge and Perceptions of Pediatric Delirium and Impact of an Educational Curriculum
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The Society of Critical Care Medicine's Critical Care Congress features internationally renowned faculty and content sessions highlighting the most up-to-date, evidence-based developments in critical care medicine. This is a presentation from the 2021 Critical Care Congress held virtually from January 31-February 12, 2021.
Sarah W. Goldberg
Introduction/Hypothesis: The importance of timely recognition and treatment of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) delirium has been a topic of recent clinical initiatives worldwide. We instituted a multidisciplinary delirium curriculum for staff in 2 PICUs and 1 PCICU in a tertiary children's hospital and to see if staff's knowledge and attitudes changed after implementation.
Methods: 587 Staff (including attendings, fellows, advanced practice professionals (APPs), registered nurses (RNs), social workers, physical and occupational therapists (PT and OT)) working in 3 ICUs were invited to complete a survey with 17 true/false knowledge questions and 4 delirium attitudes questions on a Likert scale. All staff completed a pediatric delirium curriculum covering use of the screening tool, causes of ICU delirium, and treatment strategies. The 284 staff who completed the initial survey were invited to complete it again after implementation.
Results: 182 of 284 initial respondents (64%) completed the post-implementation survey. 61/182 (33%) were medical providers, 108/182 (59.4%) were bedside nurses or nurse specialists, and 13 (7.1%) were other team members (PT, OT, Child Life, and social work). In general, staff scored correctly on the majority of knowledge questions before the curriculum was administered. A higher proportion (20%) of respondents thought benzodiazepines were helpful in the treatment of delirium before the curriculum, compared to 7% after (p=0.001). 20% incorrectly responded that mechanical ventilation was not associated with delirium before taking the curriculum, compared to 8% in the post-survey (p=0.001). In addition, the proportion who thought antipsychotics were first line delirium treatment decreased from 31% to 21% (p=0.03). Staff also reported increased ability to recognize delirious patients (53 vs. 36%, p<0.001) and confidence in treating delirium (57 vs. 20%, p<0.001). There was no significant increase in the perceived prevalence or importance of delirium between the two time points.
Conclusions: A multidisciplinary delirium screening and treatment curriculum significantly increased some aspects of staff knowledge, including benzodiazepine and antipsychotic use, as well as their perception of their ability to recognize and treat delirium.