How to Create Multicenter Research Registries
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Research, 2022
Asset Caption
The creation of a multicenter registry to facilitate rapid data aggregation in response to COVID-19 has been shown to effectively disseminate real-world experience and generate hypotheses to inform larger trials. The benefits of this mechanism of learning more about diagnostics and identifying potential therapeutics are not limited to COVID-19. This webcast will introduce the organization and creation of multicenter registries and key lessons learned from COVID-19 that could potentially be used not only for future health crises, but also to improve coordination for routine critical illness research. Topics include coordination and logistics, data dictionaries across heterogeneous institutions, and legal implications.
Meta Tag
Content Type Webcast
Knowledge Area Research
Knowledge Level Intermediate
Knowledge Level Advanced
Membership Level Select
Membership Level Professional
Tag Research
Year 2022
multi-center research registry
VIRUS COVID-19 registry
COVID-19 pandemic
data collection and storage
improving patient care


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