Titratable Medications and The Joint Commission Update
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This session will highlight the latest research, lessons learned, and changes taking place in critical care nursing practice, research, and/or education during the past year. Below are links to articles and additional information that will be discussed in Year in Review: Nursing.
Innovations in Nursing Research
Nesbitt J, Mitarai T, Chan GK, et al. Effect of emergency critical care nurses and emergency department boarding tome on in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients. Am J Emerg Med 2021;41:120-124. Doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2020.12.067. Effect of emergency critical care nurses and emergency department boarding time on in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients - ScienceDirect or via Pub Med
Impact of COVID-19 on Patients and Nursing
Passoni R, Lordani TVA, Peres LAB, Carvalho ARDS. Ocurrencia de lesión renal aguda en pacientes adultos hospitalizados con COVID-19: revisión sistemática y metanálisis [Occurrence of acute kidney injury in adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis]. Nefrologia (Engl Ed). 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2021.09.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34566228; PMCID: PMC8450067. Occurrence of acute kidney injury in adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis - ScienceDirect
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) COVID-19 treatment guidelines: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/critical-care/acute-kidney-injury/
Titratable Medications and The Joint Commission (TJC) Update
Davidson JE, Doran N, Petty, A, et al. Survey of nurses' experiences applying The Joint Commission's medication management titration standards. Am J Crit Care 2021;30(5):365-374. https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2021716 https://aacnjournals.org/ajcconline/article/30/5/365/31549/Survey-of-Nurses-Experiences-Applying-The-Joint
Davidson J, Chechel L, Chavez J, et al. Thematic analysis of nurses' experiences with The Joint Commission's medication management titration standards. Am J Crit Care 2021;30(5):375-384. https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2021280 https://aacnjournals.org/ajcconline/article/30/5/375/31550/Thematic-Analysis-of-Nurses-Experiences-With-The
Firth S 'Forced to Lie': Med titration standards put critical care nurses on shaky ground. MedPage Today September 2, 2021https://www.medpagetoday.com/washington-watch/washington-watch/94342
McLean B, Chechel L. Nurses need to take the lead on medication titration. Am Nurse September 8, 2021https://www.myamericannurse.com/nurses-need-to-take-the-lead-on-medication-titration/
Rincon T. Where's the evidence guiding updated titration standards? MedPage Today September 27, 2021 Where's the Evidence Guiding Updated Titration Standards? | MedPage Today