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SCCM Resource Library
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The SCCM Resource Library is a collection of presentations, book chapters, podcasts, articles, and more, all focused on critical care topics.

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Contains (1731)
Optimizing Fluid Stewardship in Your ICU
Billing & Documentation 2022 Q&A
When Parents Disagree With the Diagnosis of Death by Neurologic Criteria
The Science Behind Building a High-Performing Team
The Serotonin Saga: When Venlafaxine Unleashed Chaos and ARDS
Putting the "I" in Team: Care of the Cardiogenic Shock Patient in the ICU
Biomarker Enhanced Clinical Assessment of Sepsis and AKI - Organized by bioM‚rieux
Making the Switch: New Data for Improving Outcomes with Mixed-Oil TPN Formulation in Critically Ill ICU Patients - Organized by Fresenius Kabi USA/Nutrition
FCCS Chikungunya
Sepsis Education for the Emergency Department Care Team
Master Regulator: The Liver and Critical Illness
Guidelines for the Management of Adult Acute and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in the ICU: Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Hematologic, Pulmonary, and Renal Considerations
The Blame Game and the Culture of Safety
Clinical Considerations for Airway Management in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
The Ethics of Research Consent Form Languages in the Pediatric ICU
Finding Fluid Stewardship In the ICU
Variations in Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Prescription in the ICU Patient With Severe Obesity
FCCS Chikungunya- Spanish
Sepsis Education for the Inpatient Care Team
Opioid-Free Analgesia in the ICU: Magic or Illusion?
Maintaining Renal Function in Patients With Cirrhosis: New Guidelines and Evidence in Identification and Management of Hepatorenal Syndrome and Acute Kidney Injury
Assessing End Points of Resuscitation in the ICU
Family Presence at the Bedside in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
​Is Mentorship Obsolete in Our Modern Healthcare Environment?
How to Save a Life: The Role of VA ECMO in a Young, Pregnant Woman with Newly Discovered Severe Pulmonary Hypertension
Why Is It Called Nutrition Therapy? Beyond the Calorie Reasons to Feed the Gut!
FCCS Dengue Fever
Sepsis Education for the Prehospital Clinician
SCCM Pod-472 Career Crossroads: Taking the LEAD in a New Direction
Solace and Survival: Updates in PAD/Palliative Care
Small Patients, Big Advances: Updates in the Care of the Pediatric Patient
What's New in Guidelines for Nutrition Therapy in Critical Illness?
Plenary: Assessing Fluid Responsiveness in 2023 (William C. Shoemaker Honorary Lecture)
POCUS Point of Care Ultrasound Basic Echo Views
FCCS Dengue Fever- Spanish
Year in Review: Surgery - 2020
LEAD: Motivational Interviewing
Skin Failure: Evidence-Based Outcomes and End-of-Life Care
Is Protein the Most Important Substrate?
Incidence of Acute Kidney Injury in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Treated With Hypertonic Saline
What Type of Fluid Should We Administer?
Point of Care Ultrasound EFAST Infographic
FCCS Ebola
Mitigation for Medication Shortages
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 1
Ice Ice Maybe: Controversies and Current Perspectives on Targeted Temperature Management - Organized by BD TTM Medical Affairs
Nutrition in the Unstable Critically Ill Patient
Declaration of Brain Death: New Tools for an Unclear Diagnosis
Emergent Complications of Infective Endocarditis
FCCS Ebola- Spanish
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 2
Navigating Hospital Drug Shortages: Bringing the Team Together
Word on the Street: Updates in Toxicology
What Should I Monitor When I Feed My ICU Patient?
Vancomycin and Piperacillin-Tazobactam or Cefepime and Sepsis-Associated AKI Trajectory
Brain Death Determination: It's Not as Clear as We Believe It Is
Pericardiocentesis Procedural Tips
FCCS Hemorrhagic Fevers
Challenging Cases in the ICU
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 3
GJA1-20k Reduces Resuscitation Requirements and Renal Injury Post-REBOA Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Racial Disparities in Determination and Acceptance of Brain Death
Transvenous Pacemaker Procedural Help Sheet
FCCS Hemorrhagic Fevers- Spanish
Multidisciplinary Management of Drug Shortages and Associated Ethical Dilemmas
Squeezing the Beans: Critical Care Nephrology
Importance of Effectively Communicating Drug Shortages
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 4
Antimicrobial Stewardship-Based Integration of Rapid Molecular?Diagnostics and PCT for Pneumonia - Organized by bioM‚rieux
You Said That on the Phone? Strategies to Optimize Virtual End-of-Life Discussions
Atrial EKGs After Cardiac Surgery
FCCS Leptospirosis
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 5
Top IM studies from 2022 (1)
Why Am I Still Hungry? Important Parameters of Optimizing Nutrition in the Multitrauma ICU Patient With Severe Obesity
Challenges in the ICU: Causes of Conflict and Unrealistic Expectations
Mitigating the Risk of AKI: Tactics and Technologies
Emergency Department Pharmacy White Board
FCCS Leptospirosis- Spanish
Year in Review: Anesthesiology - 2020
Ethical Now, Unthinkable in the Future
LEAD: Media Training Microlearning Part 6
Guidelines-Directed Care of HRS/AKI in the ICU: Evidence-Based Management and Monitoring of Multiorgan Failure in ACLF Patients - This program is supported by an educational grant from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals (Part 1)
Septic Shock 2021 Guidelines Reference Sheet
FCCS Severe Malaria
Death and Dying in the ICU: Bringing Lessons From ICU Liberation to End-of-Life ICU Care
LEAD: Conflict Management: Vaccination Status
Risks of Fluid Overload and Tailoring Appropriate Treatment
Continued Enteral Nutrition Until Extubation Compared to Fasting Prior to Extubation in the Intensive Care Unit: A Cluster Randomised Trial (Lancet Respiratory Medicine)
Guidelines-Directed Care of HRS/AKI in the ICU: Evidence-Based Management and Monitoring of Multiorgan Failure in ACLF Patients - This program is supported by an educational grant from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals (Part 2)
FCCS Severe Malaria- Spanish
Predictors of Treatment Success Among Patients with Atrial Septal Defect and Pulmonary Hypertension who Underwent Device or Surgical Closure
19-Protocol-Driven Enteral Feeding for Patients on High-Flow Nasal Cannula Respiratory Support
LEAD: Crucial Conversations: Trainees
Top IM studies from 2022 (2)
Ethics of Destination VADS: Is It a Bridge Too Far?
Guidelines-Directed Care of HRS/AKI in the ICU: Evidence-Based Management and Monitoring of Multiorgan Failure in ACLF Patients - This program is supported by an educational grant from Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals (Part 3)
FCCS Typhoid Fever
Toxoplasmosis-associated Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Liver Transplant Recipient
What New Therapies, Such as CAR T Cell Therapy, Are the Oncologists Bringing to the ICU?
55-Improving Retention of Feeding Tubes in Pediatric Patients: An RCT Using the Nasal Bridle
Donation After Circulatory Death With Normothermic Regional Perfusion: A Brief Ethical Analysis
LEAD: Crucial Conversations: Interdisciplinary Colleagues
FCCS Typhoid Fever- Spanish
Central Venous Catheter Procedural Considerations
Translation Research in Clinical Nutrition: From Bed to Bench and Back Again
Managing Refusal to Accept a Brain Death Diagnosis: A Care Ethics Approach
LEAD: Conflict Management: Communication Tools
Top IM studies from 2022 (3)
FCCS Viral Encephalitis
Strategies for IV Fluid Conservation in the ICU
Managing Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents in the ICU
Nutrition Therapy and the 3Ms: Microbiome, Mitochondria, and Muscle
Challenging Palliative Critical Care Case: Skill Integration
LEAD: Working with Different Personalities
FCCS Viral Encephalitis- Spanish
Hot Topics in Critical Care Nutrition: What Recent Data Tell Us
SCCM Pod-404 Population-Based Epidemiology and Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Children
Conflict Management
LEAD: Communication: Optimizing Family Meetings
Critical Care
FCCS Yellow Fever
Food for Thought: The Nuts and Bolts of Nutrition for Pediatric Critical Illness
SCCM Pod-405 Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers and the Challenges of Clinical Use
Declaration of Brain Death
LEAD: Digital Branding: Transition from Student>Trainee>Practitioner
Hot Topics in Neuroscience Critical Care
FCCS Yellow Fever- Spanish
Late-Breaking Studies Affecting Patient Outcomes
Everybody Has to Eat! Case-Based Approach to Nutrition in Special Populations
SCCM Pod-421 COVID-19 and Renal Replacement Therapy
Ethical Considerations: In-Hospital Management of Patients Who Wish to Limit CPR From a Nursing Perspective
LEAD: How to be an Effective Social Media Influencer
54-Performance of Various Predictive Equations Compared to Indirect Calorimetry in Ventilated Children
SCCM Pod-426 CRRT in the ICU From a Nursing Perspective
Families Are Often Adversaries, Putting Personal Needs Above the Child's Best Interests
LEAD: Conflict Management: Medical Decisions Regarding Therapies
Neuroscience Pharmacology Update
FCCS Zika- Spanish
Acute Burn Care for Non-Burn Clinicians
SCCM Pod-429 Drug Dosing Considerations in AKI and RRT
SCCM Pod-437 Enteral Feeding Intolerance in the Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill
Including the Child's Voice in Pediatric End-of-Life Care
Do and Don'ts: Being the Patient or Family Member of a Patient
FCCS Tropical Diseases
SCCM Pod-444 HF20 Filter Set for CRRT in Low Weight Patients
Follow Your Gut: Updates in Nutrition for the Critically Ill
Laws and Ethics of Organ Donation
Moving Mentorship From Academic to Practical
Emergency General Surgery
FCCS Tropical Diseases- Spanish
SCCM Pod-453 Extracorporeal Blood Purification
Team Ethical Considerations
The Effect of Obesity on Nutrition Support Choices
Crucial Conversations
New Things the Trainee Should Know
Quiet, Please! Minimizing Alarm Fatigue and Maximizing Safe Patient Care
A Bridge Too Far? Controversies in the Initiation and Discontinuation of Extracorporeal Life Support
SCCM Pod-455 Introduction to Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System Albumin Dialysis
Nutrition Support for Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 Disease:​ Top 10 Key Recommendations
LEAD: Building Trust with Patients
A Multicenter Study of Withdrawal of Therapy in Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Medical Nutrition Therapy for COVID-19-Quick Guide
LEAD: Wellbeing and Energy
Clinical Science
Worldwide Threats to Health Security: Critical Care Preparedness
Feeding Children: What, When, and How? Supported in part by Mead Johnson Nutrition
Acute Kidney Injury and Critical Care: Advances in Early Detection
Ethics in ECMO: Difficult Cases and Consideration
Current Topics Women are facing
Do the Early Feeds Get the Worm? Updates on Pediatric Nutrition and Metabolic Support
Fluid Overload Confounds Creatinine-Based Definitions of Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric ARDS
LEAD: Building ICU Morale
Basic/Translational Science
How to Conduct Family Meetings When the Patient Is Dying
International Clinical Trials Networks: Studies That Will Change Practice in Five Years
Hepatorenal Syndrome: Can the Kidneys Be Saved From the Wrath of the Liver?
Resuscitating the Letter F: Family Engagement and Involvement
Professional Development: Skills, Super-Skills, and Ultra-Skills
Managing Multiorgan Disease in Acute-On-Chronic Liver Failure: Improving Critical Care Management of the HRS/AKI Patient
QI/Education Science
I Won't Be There in Time! Engaging the Family in Patient Care Decisions
Cybersecurity in HealthCare
Mechanical Ventilator and Pharmacologic Strategies in the Treatment of Status Asthmaticus
Addressing Challenges for Patients of a Specific Religion
So When Do I Start RRT in the Critically Ill Adult Patient?
Maximize your SCCM Membership through the CPP Section
Acute Kidney Injury: Soup to Nuts
Parents Are Advocates and Their Opinions Supersede Medical Team Decisions
Data Science
SCCM Maximizing Your Membership
Acute Dysglycemia: Too Sweet, Not Sweet Enough; To Get It Just Right Takes a Team
SCCM Pod-432 Citrate and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
SCCM Pod-464 CCM: More Communication: Who Needs it? Families Do!
SCCM Pod-494: Mastering CRRT: Optimal Anticoagulation and Citrate Selection
Critical Care - 2023
Pro/Con Debate: WhatSUP With Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU?
SCCM Pod-495: Renal Resurgence: Exploring CRRT's Impact on Critical Illness and AKI
Pro/Con Debate: Dual Fellowship Training Is Needed to Care for the Pregnant ICU Patient
Impact of Fluid Resuscitation in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients With Septic Shock
Persistent Serum Renin Elevation is Associated With Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Septic Shock
Emergency General Surgery - 2023
Family Presence in the ICU: Does It Make a Difference?
2022 Perioperative Intensive Care Research Articles
Happy, Sleepy, and Dopey
Critical Care Case Records of the Joint Trauma System
Deploying AI for Critical Care: Learning to Make a Difference
Translating Preclinical Data Into Practice: Why Therapies for Neurologic Disease Don't Work
Prehospital Care and Initial Stabilization and/or Transfer of Critically Ill Patients
Not Just a Fairy Godmother: Mentoring in the Millennial Generation
Time Zero: ICU Care on Arrival to the ED
Year in Review: Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Bringing Emergency Medicine Care Upstairs
Pro/Con Debate: Can Simulation Be Used for Assessment of Procedural Competence for Hospital Privileges?
Health Work Environment, Nursing Stress and Burnout
Beyond the ICU: Critical Illness Survivors and Our Community (THRIVE)
Optimizing Antibiotic Use in Your ICU - 2020
The Effect of the Pandemic on Research Publications
Putting Basic Science to Work: How State-of-the-Art Scientific Technology Can Inform Critical Care
The Pandemic and Its Mediation for Research Collaborations
Bulletproof Solutions to Challenges and Controversies in Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury
Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorder Patients in the ICU: Special Focus on Nonopioids
Managing Patients With Chronic Pain: Challenges During the Opioid Epidemic
Which Vasopressor Do I Pick From My Toolbox?
Epidemiology of Gun and Knife Violence in the United States in Contrast to the World
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Do It Right and Save Lives!
Managing Patients With Opioid Use Disorders in the ICU
The ICU Leadership Academy - 2020
ICU Implications of the Mental Health Crisis
Quality and Safety in the ICU: How Facility Design Influences Critical Outcomes
Doing the Heavy Lifting: Nursing Challenges and Tips for the Successful Care of Patients With Severe Obesity
Circadian Entrainment Cues in the ICU: Bricks in the Road to Critical Illness Recovery
NEBulous Use of Bronchodilators
ACCM Pro/Con Debate
Fermenting on a Decision: Best Practices for Providing Empiric Anaerobic Antibiotic Coverage in the ICU
Curbing Constipation-Centered Concerns
Advances in Military Resuscitative Care and Correlates for Civilian Care
Under Pressure: Use of Vasoactive Therapies Beyond the Guidelines
Difficult Delirium Drug Decisions: Should Antipsychotics Be Used or Avoided?
What Is the Right Formula? Designing a Successful Emergency Response Team
Immunomodulation in Perioperative Care
The Elephant in the Room: The Many Impacts of Bias
What About Sepsis?
Leading a Multigenerational Team: Issues, Challenges, and Strategies
Year in Review: Internal Medicine - 2020
Immunomodulation in Kids: More Than Growing Up?
Pro/Con Debate: Does Postoperative Critical Care Improve Outcomes for Patients Following Major Surgery?
Personalized Immunotherapy Approaches in COVID-19
Integrating Advanced Practice Providers Into Critical Care: Nuts and Bolts
A Whistle Stop Tour of Drugs!
Disaster Management With Limited Resources
Evident Diagnostic Difficulties With POCUS Use
Year in Review: Neurology
Hidden Diagnostic Difficulties With POCUS Use
Cognitive Recovery From Critical Care
Framework to Mitigate Evident and Hidden Diagnostic Difficulties
ACCM Distinguished Investigator Award and SCCM-Weil Research and Discovery Grant Recipients
The POCUS Quality Assurance Process: Primer and Implementation Steps
Up in Smoke: Managing e-Cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) in the ICU
How to Boost Basic and Advanced POCUS Training in any Institution
Humanizing Intensive Care
Coagulation in Acute Liver Failure: Bleeding Versus Prothrombotic State
Medical Journalism in the Age of Social Media, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence
Survival Without Liver Transplant in Acute Liver Failure: Fact or Fiction
The Impact of Gun Violence on Public Health
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Children With Acute Liver Failure: Is It Time for Incorporation Into the ALF Armamentarium?
The Future of Critical Care Medicine in the Field
Monitoring and Treatment fo Hepatic Encephalopathy
Opening Session: Presidential Address - 2020
Dosing Medications in Liver Failure
Pragmatic Trials in the Digital Age
Star Research Presentations: Neuroscience
ICU Liberation: The Early Days
Star Research Presentations: State of the Art
A Need for Change: The Current State of A-F in Pediatrics
Star Research Presentations: Epidemiology
Implementation: The ABCs of A-C
Star Research Presentations: Predictive Analytics
Implementation of ABCs: D
Anticoagulation Reversal for Life-Threatening Bleeding: A Case-Based Presentation for the Critical Care Team
Implementation of ABCs: E-F
Making the Most of the Clinical Toolbox: Improving Outcomes in HABP and VABP
Best Practices: Quality Improvement, Safety, and Sustainability
Putting It All Together: PICU Liberation in Action
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Critical Care: A Tsunami of Predictions or a Consensus of Opinions?
Network With Experts
Hypervolemia in the ICU: A Novel Approach to Fluid Management
Skin as an Organ System on Daily ICU Rounds: Assessment and Common Disorders
The Impact of ICU Pharmacotherapy on the Skin
Protecting The Skin: A Detailed Guide to Good ICU Skin Care
The Alley-Oop of Surgeries: Extreme Surgical Wound Care In Life and Limb Salvage
Introduction to Skin as an Organ: Acute and Chronic Skin Failure
Pitfalls and Common Errors in Airway Management in the ICU Patient With Severe Obesity
The Safe Insertion, Use, and Maintenance of Devices in ICU Patients With Severe Obesity
Adjustments in Pharmacotherapy for Critically Ill Patients With Severe Obesity
Burn and Wound Management
Mechanical Ventilation and Analgesia/Sedation
Blood Strategies
Infectious Disease and Infection Control
Nursing Concerns
Workforce, Workload, and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Social Media Use to Foster Resilience in Critical Care
Community Building and Social Media
Community Building
Supporting the Family's Bereavement Process
Religion, Ritual, and Death in the ICU
Caregiver Grief and Trauma From Patient Death
Long-Term Outcomes of the Bereaved
More Than Just Choosing the Aspirin Dose: Post-Stroke Care in the ICU
More Than Just Choosing the Aspirin Dose: Stroke Care in the ICU
SCUBA, ICP Waves, and Antihypertension Cocktails: Vacation or ICH Management? (Part 1)
SCUBA, ICP Waves, and Antihypertension Cocktails: Vacation or ICH Management? (Part 2)
Spikes, Sharps, and Drug-Drug interactions: Understanding EEG in the General Critical Care Population (Part 1)
Spikes, Sharps, and Drug-Drug interactions: Understanding EEG in the General Critical Care Population (Part 2)
Understanding the Problem: How We Got Here
The Business of Medicine: Why Do People Stay?
APP Perspectives: Preserving Our Workforce
The Cost of Nursing Turnover: Lessons Learned
The Next Generation of Nurses: What Will Keep Them Happy in the Workplace?
Review of the Second Version of the PALICC PARDS Guidelines
Sub-classifying Pediatric ARDS
Controversies in PARDS 2.0: Boundaries Between NARDS, PARDS, and ARDS
Controversies in PARDS 2.0: Use of Noninvasive Respiratory Support
Where I Deviate From the PARDS Guidelines
Next Steps Toward PARDS 3.0
Trying to Fool Me: Tricky Images in POCUS
The Brain and Ultrasound: Simplifying Diagnosis
Frontiers in POCUS: What Can We Evaluate?
Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Mobility Maneuvers for Critically Ill Trauma Patients With Severe Obesity
The Challenges of Drug Distribution in Patients With High BMIs
Help Me, I Can't Breathe: Special Considerations With Intubation, Ventilation, and Weaning the Trauma Patient With Severe Obesity
Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones: Diagnostic and Surgical Dilemmas in Managing the Injured ICU Patient With Severe Obesity
How to Promote a CCO to Your Administrators
Why a CCO Structure Would Appeal to RNs, APPs, and Pharmacists
Crisis Situations: Which Model Is Better, CCO or Non-CCO?
Regionalization of Critical Care in the Community
Building and Integrating Academic Programs in CCOs
Women as CCO Directors
Making Choices: What Are the Core Elements of Sepsis Quality?
The Hardest Step: How Can We Better Identify Sepsis?
On the Clock: How Can We Improve Time-to-Antibiotics in Sepsis?
Under Pressure: How to Optimize Hemodynamic Resuscitation
Clostridioides difficile Guidelines
HAP and VAP in 2023
Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Infections
Invasive Candidiasis
Healthcare-Associated Meningitis and Ventriculitis
Analgosedation: For Better or Worse
Back to the Future: Managing Sedation Before and After COVID-19
Inhaled Sedation: Ready for Prime Time in the ICU?
How Do I Manage a Delirious Patient?
The Power of Engagement
Dear Brain, Please Let Me Sleep
Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation in Intensive Care Units Across 50 Countries: The WEAN SAFE Prospective Observational Study (Lancet Respiratory Medicine)
Mortality as a Measure of Treatment Effect in Clinical Trials Recruiting Critically Ill Patients (CCM)
Overt and Occult Hypoxemia in Patients Hospitalized With Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CCE)
The Impact of Restrictive Transfusion Practices on Hemodynamically Stable Critically Ill Children Without Heart Disease: A Secondary Analysis of the ABC-PICU Trial (PCCM
180-Day Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 in the REMAP-CAP Randomized Clinical Trial
Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial of Small-Volume Blood Collection Tubes to Reduce Red Blood Cell Transfusion in the Intensive Care Unit (STRATUS Trial)
Development of Moral Injury in ICU Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Serial Interview Study (CCM)
Resuscitating the Letter A: Assess, Prevent, and Treat Pain
Resuscitating the Letter B: Both Spontaneous Awakening and Breathing Trials
Resuscitating the Letter C: Choice of Analgesia and Sedation
Resuscitating the Letter D: Assess, Prevent, and Treat Delirium
Resuscitating the Letter E: Early Mobility and Exercise
Thought Leader: What Are the Gaps in Sepsis Treatment
Thought Leader: Novel Medical Education and Misinformation: A Double-Edged Sword
Thought Leader: Emerging From COVID: Humanism as an Antidote to Burnout
Thought Leader: Coma: Multimodality Monitoring
Ultrasound Screening for Vocal Cord Dysfunction After Congenital Heart Surgery in Children
Comparison of Factor Products for Treatment of Bleeding Related to Cardiac Surgery
Phase 2 Study Interim Results of RBT-1 Effect on Postoperative Course in Elective CABG/Valve Surgery
Validation of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Risk Stratification Tools in Post-Surgical Patients
Intensivist Physicians' Knowledge and Attitudes About Bayesian Adaptive Clinical Trials
Hypotension Magnitude via High-Resolution ABP Is Associated With Outcome After Pediatric Arrest
Prediction Model to Identify Sepsis Patients for Minimally Invasive Management Outside the ICU
Predicting Cardiac Arrest in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Using Machine Learning
The Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on Hospital Length of Stay in Pediatric Asthma
Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism and Invasive Ventilation: A Report From the CHAT Consortium
Clinical Impact of Pulmonary Embolism Response Team Consultation at a Single Tertiary Care Center
Implementation of Social Needs Screening of Critically Ill Pediatric Patients With Asthma
Prone Positioning in Severe ARDS due to COVID-19
Length of Pre-ECMO Mechanical Ventilation Is Not Associated With Mortality in Patients With COVID-19
Prone Positioning for Nonintubated COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Prospective Real-Time Validation of a Lung Ultrasound Deep Learning Model in the Intensive Care Unit
Implementation of 2HELPS2B Seizure Risk Score: A High-Value Approach to Seizure Detection in the ICU
Profound Increases in Neurointact Patient Survival for Nonshockable (Asystole/PEA) Cardiac Arrests
Neuroprotective Effects of Pharmacologic Agent JTE-013 After Cardiac Arrest in Rats
Infants as Likely to Progress to Brain Death After OHCA as Children: Secondary Analysis PBDCA Study
FGF21 Therapy Attenuates Ischemia-Mediated Downregulation of Neuroprotective RBM3 in Newborn Mice
Expression Patterns of Airway Fluid Cytokines From Children With Pediatric ARDS
Identifying Biomarker-Based Pediatric ARDS Subphenotypes Using Machine Learning and Clinical Data
Anticoagulation During Pediatric ECMO: Evaluation of Efficacy and Cost
Identification of Molecular Endotypes in Two Cohorts of Pediatric ARDS
A Multicenter Cohort Analysis of Rapid Genome Sequencing in the PICU
Adaptive Immune Function and Immunoparalysis in Children With Septic Shock
Pre-Cardiopulmonary Bypass Biomarkers Predict Poor Outcomes in Neonatal Congenital Heart Disease
Biomarker-Based Risk Stratification in Pediatric Sepsis From a Low-Middle-Income Country
Association of Neighborhood Phenotype With Treatments and Outcomes for Children After Cardiac Arrest
Social Vulnerability Index and Child Opportunity Index High in Asthma but Not Linked to PICU Stay
Childhood Opportunity Index Among Critically Ill Children: A Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study
The Epidemiology of Pediatric Intensive Care Admissions in the United States: 2001-2019
Long-Term Cardiac and Functional Outcomes of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
Comparison of Strain and Conventional Echocardiography in Predicting ICU Needs in MIS-C
Extracorporeal Life Support After Successful Resuscitation From Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Chest Compression Release Velocity and Associated Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Ethanol Represses LC3-Associated Phagocytosis via Sirtuin 2 in Human Macrophages
Alactic Base Excess Is an Independent Predictor of Death in Sepsis: A Propensity Score Analysis
Restrictive Fluids in Sepsis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Is Associated With Higher SEP-1 Fluid Goal Compliance in Septic Shock
Pulse Methylprednisolone Versus Dexamethasone in COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study
The MRSA PCR Nasal Swab: A Tool for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients
Assessment of Readmission Risk Factors After Index Hospital Discharge for COVID-19 Patients
Achieving Targeted Vancomycin Levels in Augmented Renal Clearance
Palliative Medications at Terminal Extubation: A Secondary Analysis From DONATE Study Data
Epidemiology of Noninvasive and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Use for Children at the End of Life
Patient-Reported Quality of Life and Identified Goals for Improvement During ICU Recovery
Variation in Compliance With Colorectal Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle
Antipsychotics and QTc Interval in the ICU: Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Critically Ill Children With Severe Sepsis Often Have Sub-Target Meropenem Levels Early in Therapy
Incidence of Detectable Drug Levels With Inhaled Aminoglycoside Therapy in Critically Ill Adults
Intrathecal Nicardipine for Post-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Cerebral Vasospasm: A Pharmacokinetic Study
Subcutaneous Heparin Dose in Underweight Critically Ill Patients
Adjunctive Methylene Blue for Patients in Septic Shock: The SHOCKEM-Blue Trial
Plenary: Healthcare Redesign: Embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Critical Care (Max Harry Weil Honorary Lecture)
Restrictive Versus Liberal Fluid Management for Sepsis-Induced Hypotension (NEJM)
Association Between Unmet Non-Medication Needs After Hospital Discharge and Readmission or Death Among Acute Respiratory Failure Survivors: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study (CCM) .
Pediatric Critical Care-Associated Parental Traumatic Stress: Beyond the First Year (PCCM)
Effect of Early Nasal High-Flow for Children With Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure: The PARIS-2 Randomized Clinical Trial (JAMA)
Association Between Unmet Non-Medication Needs After Hospital Discharge and Readmission or Death Among Acute Respiratory Failure Survivors: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study (CCM)
Plenary: Whose Achievement? The Power of Scientific Collaboration (Lifetime Achievement Award)
Plenary: How Nursing During the Pandemic May Have Accelerated the Nursing Shortage (Norma J. Shoemaker Honorary Lecture)
2023 SCCM Congress Opening Session and Presidential Address
Identifying a Career Path: What Makes You Happy?
Establishing a Foundation: Broadening Local Connections
Building the Matrix: Expanding Through Networking and Outreach
02-Sur1 Pathway Genetic Variability May Impact MMP9 Secretion, Ca2+ Signaling, ICP, and Outcome in TBI
Guiding Others: Mentoring While Still a Mentee
03-Prophylactic Anticoagulation Dosing in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Requiring an EVD
04-Association of Plasma Insulin Growth Factor to Memory and Cognition 12 Months After Aneurysmal SAH
Advanced Practice Providers Luncheon
07-HNSC Therapy Is More Neuroprotective Than Glibenclamide After Cardiac Arrest via Immunomodulation
What Is an ICU Without Borders? Considerations for Post-ICU Care
09-Evaluation of Aerosolized Epoprostenol in COVID-19 ARDS Patients
Dynamic Stress and Strain of COVID-19 in Critical Care
10-Early Identification of COVID-19 Patients Susceptible to Rapid Deterioration Using the Rothman Index
Caring for Survivors of Critical Illness: Current Practices and the Role of the Team in ICU Aftercare
12-Utility of Testing for Respiratory Viral Co-Infections With SARS-CoV-2 at Time of Initial Diagnosis
13-Delays to Presentation and Outcomes After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the SARS-CoV-2 Era
14-Rapid Implementation of Remote Ventilator Monitoring and Control During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Respiratory Therapists Are in Short Supply
15-Safety of Remdesivir and Inhaled Nitric Oxide in a Pregnant Patient With Twins: A Case Report
When Flu Is New: Dealing With Epidemic or Pandemic Influenza in the ICU
16-ICU Telemedicine and Clinical Factors Related to 30-Day Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study
New(-ish) and Unfamiliar Viruses: When Scary Viruses Appear in the ICU
17-Safety of Intravenous Push Levetiracetam Administration at a Tertiary Academic Medical Center
Resurgence of Old Viruses: Vaccine-Preventable Infections in the Critically Ill
18-Evaluation of Intravenous Push Levetiracetam in a Neurospine Intensive Care Unit
Physiologic Effects of Inadequate Sleep Quality and Duration
Barriers to Improving Sleep Quality
20-Interdisciplinary, Synergistic, Multimodal Interventions Decrease Ventilator-Associated Events
Interventions for Good Sleep
24-Performance Analytics of an Integrated Electronic Health Record Sepsis Trigger Tool
What to Do With Unusual Skin Conditions in the ICU
25-Predicting Pulmonary Embolism Among Hospitalized Patients With a Machine Learning Algorithm
That's One Large Blister: What to Do With TEN/SJS
38-The Association Between Antibiotic Timing in Sepsis and Antibiotic Use for Potential Infection
Not Another Rash
Improvement in Mortality Linked to Protocol Compliance Guiding Angiotensin II Use
40-Novel Strategy for Identifying an Optimal Bundle of Management for Sudden Cardiac Arrest
42-Validation of the Patient Dignity Inventory to Assess Dignity-Related Distress in the Critically Ill
43-Effect of a Navigator-Led Transition and Recovery Program on Mortality and Readmission After Sepsis
Pro: Multimodal Monitoring Is the Way to Go
44-Cytokine Release Syndrome in Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy: The CAR-ICU Experience
Con: We Don't Need Monitors: Physical Examination and Some Blood Tests Are All You Need
45-Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Cefazolin in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid of Critically Ill Patients
Intravascular Source Control: Can Extracorporeal Pathogen Clearance Impact Outcomes?
46-Population Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Cefepime in Critically Ill Adults
Beyond Cytokines: Alternative Targets for Host-Based Blood Purification
47-Comparison of Two Dosing Strategies of Phenobarbital for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Implementation of Novel Extracorporeal Therapies in the ICU: A Nursing Perspective
48-Outcomes and Adverse Effects of Extreme Insulin Resistance in ICU Patients
Understanding the Basic Science and Alphabet Soup of Immunology
49-Evaluation of Dosing Strategies on Cisatracurium on Drug Consumption and Oxygenation
Interpreting Tests That You (May) Have Never Heard Of
50-A Zebrafish Model to Develop Mitochondrial Targeted Therapeutics for Sodium Fluoroacetate Toxicity
Practical Aspects of Using Immunotherapy in the ICU
51-Efficacy of Vancomycin Loading Doses in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia
Leveraging 3D Technology to Build Pediatric Critical Care Medical Devices
52-Lone Star Tick Bites Big Apple: Ehrlichia chaffeensis-Induced Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Augmented and Mixed Reality for PICU Education
Scaling Up With AI Technology
56-Clinician Prediction of Functional Outcomes Following Pediatric Critical Illness
Status Epilepticus: What's New?
57-Risk Factors and Outcomes for Recurrent Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
AED Prophylaxis: Treating Something That Isn't There
58-Video-Based Capillary Refill Time Assessment in Children
Pro Debate
59-Early Cardiac Complications After Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
Con Debate
61-Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 Illness in Children: Analysis of the VIRUS: COVID-19 Registry
Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks for Perioperative Pain Management
62-Patterns of COVID-19 Illness in Hospitalized Children
Ketamine's Growing Role in Opioid-Sparing Analgesic Initiatives
63-D-Dimer and Fibrinogen Magnitude and Hypercoagulability by Thromboelastography in Severe COVID-19
Incorporating Systemic Lidocaine Into Multimodal Pain Regimens
64-Investigating Correlations Between Risk Factors and Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 in the PICU
Adjunct Agents for Opioid-Sparing Analgesia
Critical Care Updates 2021: The Latest Advances in Diagnosing Sepsis and Pneumonia - Supported by BioFire Diagnostics, LLC
The Hidden Risk of Dirty Air: Ambient Air Pollution and ARDS
Luminary Lounge - Philip Barie
Summer, Sun, and Sepsis: The Impact of Heat, Humidity, and Season on Sepsis
Luminary Lounge - Heatherlee Bailey
Luminary Lounge - Ann Thompson
Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test: Challenges With Critically Ill Patients in the ED
Luminary Lounge - R. Phillip Dellinger
That's Not My Specialty! Caring for Special Populations in the ED
Luminary Lounge - Frederick Ognibene
Bringing the ICU to the ED: Improving Care of Boarded Patients
Luminary Lounge - Maurene Harvey
Novel Remote Strategies for Post-ICU Continued Patient and Family Outreach
Luminary Lounge - Craig Coopersmith
Luminary Lounge - Judith Jacobi
Luminary Lounge - Clifford Deutschman
Implementation Science Concepts in Critical Illness
Behind the Scenes: Co-chairs and the 2021 Virtual Congress
Multi-disciplinary Considerations
COVID-19: Global Voices and Perspectives
Barriers and Solutions in Clinical Implementation
The Perioperative Intensivist and Clinical Pathways to Enhance Recovery After Major Surgery
So Many Toxicologic Ingestions, so Little Time: Racing Against the Clock in Overdose Diagnosis and Treatment
The Balancing Act Between Bleeding and Thrombosis: Difficult Anticoagulation Cases in the ICU
Add Salt, Hold the Sugar! High-Dose Insulin and Sodium Solutions for Management of a Cardiotoxic Overdose
Noninvasive Oxygenation Strategies for COVID-19 Patients on the Hospital Ward
Help! I've Tried Everything! Management of Refractory Cardiac Medication Overdoses
Administrative and Organizational Response to the Pandemic at a Large Children's Hospital
Geographic Versus Service Line Care of Patients: Do Boarders Go to Accepting ICU Team or Stay on the Specialty Service?
Managing Dollars and SENSE: Ethical Considerations With High-Cost Medications and Drug Shortages
Creative Critical Care Adaptations During a Global Health Crisis
Is It Time to Redefine Standard of Care in a Virtual World?
How to Build a Multidisciplinary, Multiprofessional ICU Team: Perspectives from Neurology, Surgery, and Emergency Medicine Trained ICU Directors
When Technology Fails
Lung Rescue Teams in the Age of COVID and Beyond
Data Security, Ownership, and Evolution to Common Data Dictionaries
Resource Scarcity: Allocating Precious Resources in a Pandemic
Who Is and Who Is Not in a Coma? Cognitive Motor Dissociation, Locked-In Syndrome, Minimally Responsive State
Creating a Critical Care Service in 48 Hours: Strategies to Rapidly Augment and Compose Critical Care Services in Resource-Limited Settings
Can We Cure Coma? What Will It Take?
What's New With SCCM Journals
Wake the Dying: Which Therapies Show Promise for Improving Outcomes of ICU Patients With Disorders of Consciousness?
MIS-C Versus Kawasaki Disease as a Manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children
2021 SCCM Congress Opening Session and Presidential Address
Effect of ICU Therapeutics in Older Adults: COVID and Beyond
A Clinician-Scientist's Journey: Career Reflections and Lessons Learned
Long-Term Outcomes Among Older ICU Survivors: COVID and Beyond
ARDS: Will Precision Approaches Move the Needle? - 1
Challenges That Arise in the Care of Critically Ill and Injured Children
Frontline Nursing: Leadership Lessons From the Battlefield to the COVID-19 Crisis
Unrealistic Demands and Conflict in the Adult ICU: Management Strategies
Public Health Crises: From Measles to COVID-19
Moral Distress and Moral Injury in ICU Clinicians
Asmund S. Laerdal Lecture Award Winner Presentation
Professional Development for Advanced Practice Providers
Perspective: Desensitization Beyond Antibiotics
Combatting Clinician Burnout Syndrome
They Are Watching You: Cybersecurity in Medicine
Integration of Advanced Practice Providers With Residents at Academic Centers
A Century of Critical Care From the Median Viewpoint
Noninvasive Respiratory Support: In COVID-19 and Otherwise
50 Shades Darker: Lessons Learned From 50 Years of Mass Casualty Events
Adoption of Prone Ventilation in COVID-19: Will De-adoption Occur After the Pandemic?
Pediatric Antimicrobial Dosing: Is There More to Consider Than Age and Weight?
Subphenotypes in ARDS: Is It Time for Personalized Medicine, Including for COVID-19 Patients?
Do You Believe in the Magic of Rapid Diagnostic Tests?
Continuous Versus Noncontinuous Glucose Monitoring
Assessment of Right Heart Dysfunction or Failure in VV ECMO Patients
Beyond ICU Care: The Journey Continues
Prevention of Right Ventricular Failure in VV ECMO Patients
Sepsis: The Source Matters!
Mechanical Treatments That Should Be Pursued in Patients With Right Ventricular Failure
Science of Critical Care Bundles: Create, Implement, Evaluate
Medical Treatments That Should Be Considered in Patients With Right Ventricular Failure
The New ABCs of Refractory Shock: Angiotensin II, Vitamin B12, Methylene Blue, and Vitamin C
What Every Intensivist Should Know About the Care of Burn Patients in the ICU
Studying Work and Outcomes in the ICU (Sweat ICU)
Creative Arts Therapy for Healthcare Professionals
Sirtuins and Immunometabolism in Sepsis
Advances in Stroke Reperfusion Therapy: A Moving Target
Metabolic Maps in Pediatric Sepsis
Immunonutrition in Sepsis
When I Was You: Adept Career Guidance for the Ambitious (Flipped Classroom)
Pathophysiology of Septic Cardiomyopathy: Back to Basics
Brain Monitoring in the ICU of the Future
Diagnosis and Imaging of Septic Cardiomyopathy
Critical Care Immunotherapy
Implications and Treatment of Cardiogenic Shock in Sepsis
Special Delivery: Critical Care of the Obstetric Patient
The Physiology of Breath Delivery and Modes of Mechanical Ventilation
Complications Happen: How Do You Manage Them?
Abnormalities in Patient Ventilator Settings
The ICU Leadership Academy - 2021
Incorporation of the Critical Care Team
Open Visitation in the ICU for All: Families, Friends, and Pets (Flipped Classroom)
Update on FDA CAR-T Products and Toxicity Management Guidelines
Different Approaches to Optimizing PEEP
Emerging Cellular Therapies and Associated Toxicity: What's Different From CAR-T Therapy?
Sucking Wind: Support Strategies Beyond the Ventilator
Recognition and Management of HLH in the Context of Cellular Therapy
Two Teams Come Together: Intersection of Adult and Pediatric Care
Update on Cost and ICU Resource Utilization for Administration of Cellular Therapy: A Review of Current Data
Treating Pediatric Septic Shock With a Witch's Brew of Potions
Surviving Sepsis 2071
Too Much or Too Little? Blood, CSF, and the Role of the CT Scanner
Future Integrated Neurocritical Care for Brain Trauma
Eye-CP Monitoring: Using Pupillometry and Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter for ICP Monitoring
Rapid Response Teams: 15 Years Later Post-COVID!
Decoding the EEG: All That Spikes Does Not Seize
Sleep: No Spindles, Apples, or Curses Required
Making Waves: EVD Monitoring Pearls and Pitfalls
Pro/Con: Water, Water Everywhere: IV Fluids: Where's the Pendulum Now? (includes advanced cases)
Upstairs Downstairs: New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation: Comparing Therapeutic Treatment Strategies Between the ICU and the Emergency Department
You're Outta Here! Hitting a Home Run With Transitions of Care and Post-Intensive Care Syndrome
Across the Pond: Bringing Together Approaches From the United States and European Union
The Practical Magic of Steroids in Sepsis
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Simulation Educational Research
Super Women: A Highlight of Women's Contributions to Critical Care Medicine in 2020
Barriers and Pitfalls
Improving the Precision of Early Sepsis Detection
Overcoming Barriers
You Can Promote Family-Centered ICU Care Learning From the SCCM Family Engagement Collaborative
Putting It All Together - 2023