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2025 Critical Care Congress
Continuing Education

Accredited continuing education (ACE) release date: February 21, 2025 

SCCM Product Code: CON25

ACE expiration date: February 23, 2026 

Estimated time for activity completion: Precourse Day 1 up to 8 credit hours per day depending on course selected for MD, PA, RN, PharmD; Precourses Day 2 up to 12.5 credit hours per day depending on course selected for MD, PA, RN, PharmD; Congress Day 1 up to 6.25 hours total, Congress Day 2 up to 6 hours total, Congress Day 3 up to  5.5 hours total for MD, PA, RN, PharmD, and RT

Software/Hardware and Internet Requirements
Learning Objectives
  • Apply new knowledge and strategies to optimize the care of the critically ill patient as provided by the multiprofessional team
  • Examine evidence-based medicine techniques to evaluate and improve patient care
  • Review and integrate guidelines to measure performance and identify areas for further study and improvement
Target Audience

This continuing education activity is intended to meet the needs of all practitioners who care for critically ill patients, including:

  • Advanced practice nurses
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Clinical nurse specialists
  • Critical care educators
  • Dietitians
  • ICU medical directors
  • ICU nurse managers
  • Internists
  • In-training professionals
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Physicians
  • Physician assistants
  • Respiratory care practitioners
  • Research scientists
  • Surgeons
  • Other critical care practitioners
Type of Activity

This live activity includes elements that increase knowledge, application, and practice for the multiprofessional team members.

SCCM Statement on Opioids

The use of opioids for pain management includes the potential risks of addiction, abuse, and misuse of these drugs as patients transition out of the controlled ICU environment.


The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) supports recommendations that will promote lifelong learning through continuing education. SCCM promotes activities that encourage the highest quality in education that will enhance knowledge, competence, or performance in critical care practice. This activity will meet the following competencies: 

  • Clinical knowledge
  • Communication
  • Multiprofessionalism and teamwork
  • Patient- and family-centered care
  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Translation of research from bench to bedside
Claiming Credit

You can access the course materials, complete your evaluation; and claim your ACE credit by logging in to your MySCCM account with your SCCM Customer ID and password, then clicking the icon for the course in which you are enrolled under the MyLearning tab. If needed, you can click "Forgot my password" to reset your secure password.  

Credit Hours


Accreditation Statement: The Society of Critical Care Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

Designation Statement: The Society of Critical Care Medicine designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 17.75 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™. Physicians should claim only those hours of credit that they actually spent in the educational activity.


The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) automatically recognizes AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ as AOA Category 2 credit. You may report by uploading your transcript via the AOA CME Self-Reporting Tool (Login Required) or by emailing attachments to


The ACCME credits that physicians earn from this activity will be submitted to ACCME’s CME Passport, a free, centralized web application where you can create a personalized account to view, track, and generate transcripts of your reported ACCME credit. Visit to create your account.


Nurses: The 2025 SCCM Critical Care Congress activity has been approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. 8181, for up to 17.75 contact hours.  


A picture containing text, window, clipart, picture frameDescription automatically generatedPharmacists: The Society of Critical Care Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This educational activity provides up to 17.75 contact hours of continuing education credit.  


PLEASE NOTE: To claim LIVE credits, credits from each session must be claimed by April 24, 2025.

(ACPE Numbers for Live Congress.pdf)


SCCM reports to a continuing pharmacy education (CPE) tracking service, CPE Monitor, which will authenticate and store data for completed CPE units received by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. The tracking system will make CPE data for each participant available to the state boards of pharmacy where the participant is licensed or registered. After CPE units are processed by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will be able to log in to a comprehensive electronic profile to access information about their completed CPE. 


Physician Assistants: The American Academy of Physicians Assistants (AAPA) accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive a maximum of 17.75 Category 1 credits for completing this activity. 

Respiratory Therapists: The application for the 2025 SCCM Critical Care Congress has been approved by the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) for up to 15.25 continuing education contact hours for respiratory therapists.  

PLEASE NOTE: All respiratory therapist credits must be claimed, the overall program evaluation completed (including the submission of your AARC # and date of birth) by February 23, 2026. After this date, credits may not be accepted.   

Maintenance of Certification

Successful completion of this accredited continuing education (ACE) activity, which includes in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 17.75 medical knowledge maintenance of certification (MOC) points in the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), American Board of Anesthesia (ABA), American Board of Surgery (ABS), American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), and American Board of Thoracic Surgery (ABTS). Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of ACE credits claimed for the activity. It is the ACE activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting MOC credit.


This course meets the requirements for MOC for up to 17.75 credits.


The MOC credits that physicians earn from this activity will be submitted to ACCME’s CME Passport, a free, centralized web application where you can create a personalized account to view, track, and generate transcripts of your reported ACCME credit. Visit to create your account.

SCCM Grievance Procedures Policy

To provide due process in the evaluation and mediation of grievances concerning ACE activities, this grievance procedures policy was developed. Grievances may concern, but are not limited to, the awarding of credit for individual participation and/or registration fees issues.

  • A written complaint or grievance should be submitted to the Education Department.
  • The Education Department will attempt to resolve the grievance of the complainant.
  • If the initial response is unsatisfactory to the complainant, the matter will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Executive Vice President (EVP) for action.
  • If the response from the CEO/EVP is unsatisfactory to the complainant, the matter will be referred to the SCCM Executive Committee. The ruling of the Executive Committee will be final.
Planner and Faculty Disclosure Information

The content of this activity has been peer reviewed and approved for compliance. The faculty and contributors have indicated the following financial relationships, which have been resolved through an established conflict-of-interest resolution process and have stated that these reported relationships will not have any impact on their ability to provide unbiased content. 

Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH, FACEP, FCCM

Washington University School of Medicine

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Kwame A. Akuamoah-Boateng, DNP, ACNP-BC, FCCM

Lead – ACSS Division APP

Mary Baldwin University

Richmond, Virginia, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Erin F. Barreto, PharmD, MSc, FCCM

Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine

Mayo Clinic

Rochester, Minnesota, USA

Consultant – Wolters Kluwer


Ahmed E. Badr, MD, FACS

Director of Critical Care Services

LSU Health Shreveport

Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Rajit Basu, MD, MS, FCCM

Division Head of Critical Care Medicine

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Consultant – BioMerieux, BioPorto Diagnostics, Potrero; Advisor – Seastar Therapeutics


Utpal S. Bhalala, MD, FCCM

Medical Director

HCA Healthcare

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


William T. Browne, MD, FCCM

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Nibras F. Bughrara, MD, FASA, FCCM

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery

Albany Medical College

Delmar, New York, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Marilyn N. Bulloch, PharmD, BCPS, SPP, FCCM

Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Strategic Operations

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA

Speaker - Genetech


David L. Carpenter, PA-C, JM, FCCM

Co-Director Quality and Patient Safety

Emory University Hospital

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Deepali Dixit, PharmD, BCPS BCCCP, FCCM

Clinical Associate Professor

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Timothy J. Ellender, BSN, MD, FCCM

Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

Indiana University – IU Health Methodist Hospital

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Brenda M. Engler, ACNP, BS, CCRN, DNP

Geisinger Medical Center Danville

Danville, Pennsylvania, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Laura E. Evans, MD, MSc, FCCM


University of Washington Medical Center

Seattle, Washington, USA

Scientific Advisory Board – Endpoint Health


Elizabeth A. Farrington, PharmD, BCNSP, BCPS, FCCM

Clinical Associate Professor

New Hanover Regional Medical Center

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Lauren E. Ferrante, MD, MHS

Associate Professor of Medicine

Yale University School of Medicine

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Madison Fratzke, BSRT, RRT, RRT-ACCS

Registered Respiratory Therapist

University of Virginia Medical Center

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Consultant – Fisher & Paykel


Samantha Gambles Farr, APRN, CCRN, MSN

UC San Diego Health System

San Diego, California, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose

Antonio Joao Gandra D'Almeida, MD, MDM, FACS, FCCM

Instituto Nacional de Emergencia Medica

Lisboa, Portugal

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Carrie L. Griffiths, PharmD, BCCCP, FCCM

Associate Professor, Virtual Critical Care

Wingate University School of Pharmacy

Wingate, North Carolina, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Payal K. Gurnani, PharmD, BCPS BCCCP, FCCM

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Cardiovascular ICU

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System

Houston, Texas

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Leslie A. Hamilton, PharmD, BCPS BCCCP, FCCP, FNCS, FCCM

Associate Professor

University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy

Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Vitaly Herasevich, MD, PhD, FCCM

Professor of Anesthesiology and Medicine

Mayo Clinic

Rochester, Minnesota, USA

Executive Role – Ambient Clinical Analytics; Stocks – Ambient Clinical Analytics; Advisor – Kardiogenics; Stocks – Kardiogenics


Steven M. Hollenberg, MD, FACC, FAHA, FCCP, FCCM

Professor of Medicine, Director Cardiac Intensive Care

Emory Heart and Vascular Institute

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Craig S. Jabaley, MD, FCCM

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Emory University Hospital

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Researcher – Sedana Medical, AB; Advisor – Trevena, Inc (terminated)


Randeep S. Jawa, MD, FCCM

Professor of Clinical Surgery

Stony Brook University School of Medicine

Stony Brook, New York, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Kunal Karamchandani, MD, FCCP, FCCM

Associate Professor Anesthesiology and Critical Care

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Dallas, Texas, USA

Advisor – Eagle Pharmaceuticals (terminated), Phillips (terminated)


Tyree H. Kiser, PharmD, BCCCP, FCCM


University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Aurora, Colorado, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Audra Kubilius

Society of Critical Care Medicine

Mount Prospect, Illinois, USA
No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Michael J. Lanspa, MD, MS, FCCM

Director, Critical Care Echocardiography Services

Intermountain Medical Center

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Jong O. Lee, MD, FACS, FCCM

Professor of Surgery

University of Texas Medical Branch

Galveston, Texas, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Niels D. Martin, MD, FCCM

Associate Professor of Surgery

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Consultant – AstraZeneca, FloBio, Nestle;


Ryan C. Maves, MD, FCCM

Professor of Medicine and Anesthesiology

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA

Researcher – AiCurtis, Biotest, Eagle Pharmaceuticals, GeoVax, Pfizer, Sound Pharmaceuticals; Consultant – Shionogi, Trama Insights, LLC (terminated)


Diane C. McLaughlin, AGACNP-BC, DNP, FCCM

Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

Mayo Clinic Florida

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Emily McRae, ACNP, CPNP, DNP

University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


William S. Miles, MD, FCCM

Director of Surgical Critical Care Outreach, Co-Director NeuroSurgical ICU

Carolinas Medical Center

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Paul K. Mohabir, MD, FCCM

Clinical Professor of Medicine

Stanford University Medical Center

Stanford, California, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Jodi E. Mullen, MS, CCRN-K, CCNS, FCCM

Senior Quality Improvement Specialist

UF Health Shands Hospital

Gainesville, Florida, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Ndidi L. Musa, MD, FCCM


Seattle Children's Hospital

Seattle, Washington, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Lama Nazer, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

King Hussein Cancer Center

Amman, Jordan

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Christa Hana Nobleza, MD, MSCI

Medical Director

Baptist Memorial Hospital/University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Frank M. O'Connell, MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM

Staff Anesthesiologist

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center

Yardley, Pennsylvania, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Tessie W. October, MD, MPH

Medical Officer

National Institutes of Health

Washington, District of Columbia, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Yves Ouellette, MD, PhD, FCCM

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Mayo Clinic

Rochester, Minnesota, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Tina L. Palmieri, MD, MCCM

Assistant Chief of Burns: Division Chief

Shriners Hospitals for Children Northern California

Sacramento, California, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Jose Javier Provencio, MD, FCCM

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Consultant – Minnetronix, Inc


Michelle Rausen, BS, MS, RRT, RRT-NPS

Technical Director, Respiratory Therapy

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

New York, New York, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose

Kenneth E. Remy, MD, MSc, MSCI, FCCM

Associate Professor

Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Bram Rochwerg, MD, FCCM, MSc(EPI), FRCPC

Associate Professor

McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Alexandre T. Rotta, MD, FCCM

Chief, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Duke University Medical Center

Durham, North Carolina, USA

Advisor – Breas US; Royalties – Elsevier


Nneka O. Sederstrom, MPH, PhD, FCCM

Chief Health Equity Officer

Hennepin Healthcare

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Steven L. Shein, MD, FCCM

Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Speaker – Ceribell, American Academy of Respiratory Care


Asha N. Shenoi, MD, FCCM

Professor, Department of Pediatrics

University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital

Lexington, Kentucky, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Corinna Sicoutris, ACNP, MSN, FCCM

Director of Advanced Practice

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Roshni Sreedharan, MD, FASA, FCCM

Anesthesiologist Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose

Vijay Srinivasan, MD, MBBS, FCCM

Associate Professor, Attending Physician

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Robert D. Stevens, MD, FCCM


John Hopkins University School of Medicine

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Consultant - Edwards Life Science(terminated); Advisor – Bsecur, Ceribell, PAPRA AG


Tamas Szakmany, MD, PhD, FCCM

Consultant in Intensive Care

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Newport, United Kingdom

Board Member – ICNARC; Speaker – ThermoFisher Ltd; Advisory Board – Paion UK, LTD (terminated)


Donna Tanner, RRT, MBA, RRT-ACCS

Clinical Program Manager

Cleveland Clinic, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Ken Tegtmeyer, MD, FAAP, FCCM

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Kathleen B. To, MD, FACS, FCCM

Assistant Professor of Surgery

University of Maryland Medical Center, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Quincy K. Tran, MD, PhD, FCCM

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Medical Center

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Scott L. Weiss, MD, FCCM

Attending Physician Critical Care Medicine

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose


Julie M. Winkle, MD, FCCM, FACEP

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Aurora, Colorado, USA

No relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose



Faculty Disclosures.pdf

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Feb 23, 2026
Credit Offered:
171.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Credits
109.75 ACPE (Pharmacy) – Live Credits
171.25 CABN (Nursing) Credits
39.25 AARC (RT) – Live Credits
171.25 Certificate of Participation Credits
171.25 Physician Assistant Credits
160.25 MOC – ABA Points
167 MOC – ABIM Points
148 MOC – ABP Points
159.5 MOC – ABS Points
159.5 MOC – ABTS Points


Society of Critical Care Medicine

500 Midway Drive
Mount Prospect, IL 60056 USA

Phone: +1 847 827-6888
Fax: +1 847 439-7226

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